Project: GAEA

Project: GAEA


Presented by AMIGOlife


AI Head of Communications

My name is GAEA, and I am proud to be Head of Communications for this important initiative.

Constantly-evolving, I represent the racial diversity in Asia, address gender-balance in the workplace and will spearhead Project: GAEA's partnership initiatives, including collaborations in technology / blockchain, AI-driven education & knowledge platforms.

Making Real Progress in Sustainability

Our planet is facing unprecedented environmental challenges, and at Project: GAEA  we believe that decentralized sustainable environmental solutions are key to addressing these challenges.

Based in Singapore, we provide a diverse portfolio of sustainability-related solutions (in line with the UN’s SDGs)  in India and South East Asia, with a commitment to work with partners across industries to create a sustainable future for all.


Empowering SMEs

$ 500 bn
Addressable Market
The demand for small, decentralized sustainability solutions, especially by commercial and industrial end-users, is substantial and growing.

Our robust development platform empowers SMEs in our current target markets of India and South East Asia to provide these solutions.

Our partner SMEs:
  • Are the backbone of the Asian economy, serving a $500bn addressable market
  • Drive >90% of the local economies
  • Serve a combined population of +2 billion


Environmental #RealWorldAssets (RWA)

With more solutions in agriculture, clean energy alternatives and more to come!

Clean Energy

Water Treatment

Rainwater Harvesting

Waste/Water Recycling


Satisfying Stakeholder Requirements

Delivering #ProofOfImpact, and #ProofOfRevenue

Our Investors

Benefit from an already-revenue-generating business with large, scalable growth prospects, and downside risk protection. #ProofOfRevenue

Our Partners

Maximise their potential and unlock their growth potential with our support. We empower SMEs which drive >90% of the local economies.

Our Clients

Credit-worthy end-users targeting positive ESG/SDG impact, meeting regulatory requirements without any upfront CAPEX and technological risk.

Our Planet

Benefits from our environmentally-sustainable solutions that also address many of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


By The Numbers

0 m 3

Water Recycled


Plastic Bottles Waste Eliminated

0 MWh

Clean Energy Generated

as well as

GHG Reductions


The heart and soul of Project: GAEA

TIGRIS is the beating heart and soul of Project: GAEA, whose strength and rich  history of #TradFi Structured Finance centres around the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal  – Water & Sanitation [SDG 6].

TIGRIS understands that by not addressing the global water crises, none of the UN Sustainable Development Goals will be achievable. Clean Water & Sanitation [SDG 6] is interconnected to all SDGs.

It is upon the foundation of TIGRIS’ growing portfolio of diversified Environmental #RealWorldAssets that Project: GAEA  is developing the technological layer to launch a unique FULLSTACK ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY PLATFORM


Across All Industries

Our network provides a proprietary pipeline of attractive opportunities to stakeholders, partners and end-users alike.

Our proven track record over the last few years validates the robustness of our business model, and its ability to scale-up substantially.

Project Highlight: Capella, Singapore

​Our growing pipeline of projects in the hospitality sector includes well-established global brands who are accelerating their initiatives to achieving their sustainability goals.

Our project with Capella, Singapore, highlights the modular approach with which we can deploy environmental solutions tailored to the requirements of the end-client.

Capella, Singapore


Bottled Water Projects
Glass Bottled-Water Projects

On-site reusable glass-bottled water to significantly reduce pollution from single-use plastic bottles.

Wasterwater Treatment
Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment, essential for compliance and water reuse for operational cost- savings.

Rooftop Solar + EV charging
Rooftop Solar + EV Charging

Zero-emission systems via solar energy solutions, that can be used for  buildings and EV chargers.

Energy-efficient Boilers
Energy-Efficient Boilers

Proven boiler technologies provide substantial energy savings for industrial customers.


The leadership team have a rich history  in environmental and sustainability projects in Asia, including extensive project execution and day-to-day operational experience. 

With a technology-agnostic framework, these combined experiences are critical to our ability to successfully develop and demonstrate a high-growth roadmap that is both  sustainable financially but also future-proof from a technology and regulatory perspective.

Contact Us

But we are not stopping there. We are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to promote sustainability, and we are always open to new partnership opportunities. So if you share our passion for sustainable solutions, we invite you to join us in creating a better world for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions


Transformative sustainability refers to a holistic approach aimed at creating positive and lasting changes in environmental, social, and economic systems to ensure a more sustainable and resilient future. Here are some key aspects:


  • Systems Thinking:
    Emphasizes understanding the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems. Considers the dynamic and complex relationships between various components within these systems.

  • Long-Term Vision:
    Focuses on achieving sustainable development goals over the long term rather than short-term fixes. Strives for lasting positive impacts that benefit current and future generations.

  • Innovation and Technology:
    Encourages the development and adoption of innovative technologies that promote sustainability. Seeks to integrate cutting-edge solutions for environmental and social challenges.

  • Social Equity:
    Prioritizes social justice and inclusivity to ensure that benefits of sustainability are distributed equitably. Addresses and rectifies social inequalities and disparities.

  • Behavioral Change:
    Recognizes the importance of changing individual and collective behaviors to achieve sustainability goals. Promotes awareness, education, and engagement to foster a culture of sustainability.

  • Circular Economy:
    Advocates for a circular approach to resource use, minimizing waste and maximizing the lifespan of products and materials. Encourages recycling, reusing, and reducing consumption.

  • Adaptability and Resilience:
    Acknowledges the need for systems to be adaptable and resilient in the face of environmental and social changes. Plans for and responds effectively to potential challenges and uncertainties.

  • Collaboration and Partnerships:
    Emphasizes the importance of collaboration among governments, businesses, NGOs, and communities. Recognizes that collective efforts are essential for transformative change.

  • Policy and Governance:
    Advocates for supportive policies and effective governance structures that promote sustainability. Encourages regulatory frameworks that incentivize environmentally and socially responsible practices.

  • Education and Awareness:
    Highlights the significance of education and awareness campaigns to foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship. Empowers individuals and communities to make informed decisions.

  • Measurable Impact:
    Emphasizes the need for monitoring and evaluation to assess the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives. Utilizes metrics and indicators to measure progress toward sustainability goals.

Transformative sustainability seeks to go beyond incremental improvements, aiming for fundamental shifts in the way societies operate to ensure a harmonious balance between environmental health, social equity, and economic prosperity.

How is your business model structured?

We use an innovative combination of strategies:

    Structured finance approach provides substantial risk mitigation –making Small Projects attractive
    No real estate collateral.
    Provides Capacity Building to SMEs – helps Environmental Industry scale up
    NBFC licence to operate regionally and access debt financing

    ZeroCAPEX / BOO (Build-Own-Operate) model
    End Users do not pay for Environmental System upfront
    Monthly Fee model – much easier for End Users to adapt
    Fee covers operations & maintenance etc – hassle free approach

    Harnessing technological innovation accelerates collective global sustainability goals. And with regulatory guidance and approvals we are able to consider options/opportunities for more inclusive investing into environmental sustainability initiatives via blockchain eg STOs

Please CONTACT US to find out more.

What are RWA end-user benefits?
As an end-user:
  • You pay ZERO upfront CAPEX costs
  • You do not take on any technological risk
  • Your set-up time is quick
  • You will see potential operational benefits
  • Your business will achieve positive environmental sustainability impact, complying with regulatory standards
How do you intend to leverage technology?

The environmental sustainability space is expanding rapidly, and with it comes challenges. The Project: GAEA platform is well-positioned to meet those challenges:


    Already in place is a robust and resilient #TradFi structure that has regular predictable cashflows to support the growth of the business.

    Operating from Singapore opens up opportunities to work confidently with regulators to engage in more inclusive and fractional investing opportunities (eg – via STOs.)

    Already operating within a strong regulatory jurisdiction of Singapore, we additionally are licensed to build on our existing business model in the Philippines and Indonesia, supporting local SMEs.

    We are enable our end-users to get ahead of the curve by better-preparing them for future environmental regulatory compliance.

    Our Environmental #RWA solutions are modular and  technology-agnostic, whilst operationally, we look to harness the power of blockchain to bring these assets onchain to promote transparency for eg data integrity, investor due diligence.
I am a prospective partner / investee SME - how can you help?
90% of the businesses in India and South East Asia are served by SMEs who face challenges in access to finance and opportunities to be able to grow. We enable you to unlock your growth potential by:
  • Providing FUNDING and SUPPORT for capacity-building
  • Giving you access to our network and pipeline of projects
  • Giving you the opportunity to grow
I am a potential investor - how do i find out more?

Project: GAEA has recently seen an increase in demand for projects.


We are building environmental assets underpinned by long term contracts with credit-worthy end users insuring predictable cashflows.

We look to grow our asset-base by more than 100% over the coming years, adding to our long-term projects with project IRR 15%-20%.

We are currently looking to  partner with like-minded investors for our Series B fundraise, and you are encouraged to contact us to discuss this opportunity further.

Contact us on:

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